Blaq Diamonds

Women Empowerment

Providing Culturally appropriate, connected, sustainable services using an oriented – solutions focused approach to Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Women including Women from other Culturally Diverse Backgrounds and  Communities to enable them to reach their full potential in Life

Who we are

We are a Virtual, Culturally Connected Community Network

Designed specifically for First Nations Women, Polynesian Pacific Islander Women, Micronesian Women (Papua New Guinea), Melanesian Women, and are also open to all other women. This Membership Based Online Community has been created to support, advise, guide, nurture and mentor Sisters alike especially our women who have suffered intergenerational trauma, who are victims and survivors of Family and Domestic Violence.

It is here, where you will get tips, guidance, advice and tools that you can implement into your own lives to assist and support you to improve your overall lifestyles.

Women Empowerment Pillars

We aim to inspire and empower First Nations women across Australia to create new destinies and opportunities through these key services via our membership-based, virtual online networking community, ticketed events and workshops.

Economic Empowerment / Financial Wellness

- Financial independence
- Wealth creation
- Financial literacy & education
- Economic development opportunities

Physical & Emotional Wellness

- Health & fitness
- Nutrition & wellness
- Exercise
- Self improvement

Business & Community

- Business networking
- Collaboration opportunities with other First Nations female-led businesses
- Community development
- Business support & opportunities

Social & Cultural Wellness

- Cultural leadership
- Self care, self love
- Social development
- Spiritual health
- On-country gatherings/retreats


BLAQ DIAMONDS Women Empowerment


Take a leap forward to personally invest in yourself!

  • Valued at approx over $3000 per month

Our Motto

Inspire - Empower - Destiny

Melisa Melisa Drummond-Anderson

About the founder

Melisa Drummond-Anderson

Born in Gurrumbilbarra, traditional Wulgurukaba Aboriginal Language name for Townsville, North Queensland, Australia. My Great Grandmother’s country is Nywaigi which is located north of Townsville (It runs along Mount Spec, covering Paluma and Crystal Creek) up to coast to Ingham and through my mother, also linked to Girramay country in the Cardwell area.

I’m a Gumulaig woman from Urpi Kigu Peoyadh Ras/Mabuyag Island in the Torres Strait. I’m descendant from Warrior – Chief Bari. That’s my father’s country and through my Great Uthe (Grandfather), my family heritage leads back to American Samoa. Mother to a Beautiful Teenage Daughter and Eldest Sister to five younger brothers.

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